Sunday, November 15, 2009

What lasts?

I love life.

I was fortunate enough to enjoy the Christian Youth Theater production of "Scrooge" Last night. Two cousins of mine were cast members and one was on the crew. It was a musical rendition of Charles Dickens' classic, A Christmas Carol. It was so much fun, I left smiling.
One very impactful  part, to me, was the end, when Scrooge repents and becomes jovial and full of life. He breaks into song (I know, its a little strange for A Christmas Carol, but it was a musical, so I accepted it). The song was entitled, "I Like Life"
I then realized that I don't remind myself of this phrase as often as I used to. In my innermost being, though, I truly do like life. A whole stinking lot.
I was raised in a very safe home with very stable, consistent people. Love was all over. Fear was small and easily remedied. Tragedy was merely heard of, never close or graphic.
Sure there was hardship, but I knew I was blessed. 
Even in just the past few years I had a fairly consistent resolve to wake up and, "enjoy today". To see every day as a gift. To find hope in the tediousness of life. 
I just didn't understand why anyone would sing the blues, to be honest.
I would hear of people making accusations that I was being fake, and putting on a mask.
I was not. I love being joyful all the time. I don't know why. 
God is so good. His love is so good.
Life is so precious and beautiful. People matter so much. We have so much to be thankful for.
In recent months, thinks have not been so happy. I have seen death and confusion break so many hearts. I have seen pure chaos and demonic deception soil beauty and cause all that is known to seemingly crumble. Things have gone totally against the way I thought they should have. I have been angry. I have had days where I felt very much alone, even in a crowd. I have seen that life can just suck sometimes. Everything is not ok a lot of the time for a lot of people.
But back in May, before any of this madness began, the Lord led me (unbeknownst to me, in preparation for the coming days) to a video on YouTube.
Check it out.

What stuck out to me in this video is the response we are called to have in the midst tragedy. That verse that Piper quotes has stuck in my heart and mind. Even though my flesh, and my heart, and my family, and my friends, and my hopes and dreams, and myself may (and probably will) fail, God is the strength of my heart, and my portion forever.
to say that this is a powerful truth would be an understatement. 
I value the things I can see so much! I treat things that are about to burn, like they are all i need. 
This is so unwise!
Wisdom is to see that these things have instant appeal. That instant appeal may even mean it lasts for sixty years, but in light of eternity it means nothing!
my dad recently pointed out that everything we can see with our fallen eyes is dying.
This idea may seem depressing, but we must realize that it is actually a reason to hope! In all the death, the believer in Jesus Christ has something to cling to that will never fail, nor will it leave us.
This truth makes those first words of Romans 8 all the more beautiful.
"There is therefore no condemnation for those of us who are in Christ Jesus, for the law of the Spirit of life has set you free from the law of sin and death, in Christ Jesus..."
So, what do you treasure? Everything will the Lord Jesus.
Let us cling to Him, for He is our only hope, and in Him is complete satisfaction. In Him is life and there is no life apart from Him, only lies.
I see this truth, but as I said in my previous post, doing it is another thing.
sorry this is a somewhat scatterbrained entry. I am still learning the blogging ways.

ugh. I sure do have a long way to go though, good thing love is patient...


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

you dishonor God...

"You who boast in the law dishonor God by breaking the law..."

This verse from Romans 2 hit me between the eyes the other day.
Have you ever heard a good message or read a very relevant Bible verse and it lights up your day? Everyone does. I love those moments! When the truth is so beautiful and makes you feel so full inside, it is great. But its a shallow greatness...
So often I will have this type of "revelation moment" and will tell all my closest friends what I have just discovered. It will feel great to tell them. I will tell them, forget it, and keep living the same. 
Its not that I live a life of sinful filth, its just that the scripture or teaching has no tangible evidence in my actions or life. 
An example of this is if I read Ephesians and it hit me that I need to be using the Word of God as a sword against the deceptions of the enemy. I then hear some teaching that reminds me that Satan hates the church, hates me, and is millions of times more powerful than me. The remedy to this dangerous situation is to hide the Word of God in my heart and use it "that I might not sin against thee..." 
Its a sacred echo!
I will then take this powerful realization and tell my closest friends. They will see me as a wise believer who is growing and has good things to say. They may be encouraged by what I have to say.
But then I go back to my normal life and don't apply this truth to my life in the secret place. When it's just between me and God.
"You who boast in the law dishonor God by breaking the law..."
If I break this "law" of the Spirit as I am boasting in it, then the Word says I am dishonoring God.
oh shoot.

In conclusion,
It is far better to live an unseen life before an Audience of One, and allow Him to lead you to say the things He has for you to say and do the things He has for you to do, rather than force them, by boasting in what you have absolutely no knowledge of.
I am finding out almost daily that I know next to nothing about anything.
I mean look at this mess of a blog :)
...It looks like we are a people who desperately need Him.
Might I suggest you listen to "Meteor  Shower" by Owl City?

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Daily Adventures

I find time has a fascinating effect on us as people. One minute you feel great, have hope, have focus and are feeling good about where you are going. Then someone says something confusing or you think a sour thought and then you begin to feel down, confused or concerned. If this negative feeling lasts for more than a few hours you begin to forget you ever felt hope or anything at all. You begin to think you are trapped in this great sadness.
This happens seemingly daily to me. I think it comes from my lack of patience, a fruit of the spirit. If I am truly resting in His yoke of apprenticeship then His Spirit will complete this in me, along with all else He has called me to do.
How easily my flesh and The Deceiver dupe me into thinking there is not any hope left!
When I think things are bad, i am usually not looking at them right and something is actually wrong with me. In fact things are usually way way way better than I deserve them to be! I am a blessed man and I forget that all the time! My mind needs to be like David's in Psalm 73:25-28

Whom have I in heaven but you?
And earth has nothing I desire besides you.

My flesh and my heart may fail,
but God is the strength of my heart
and my portion forever.

Those who are far from you will perish;
you destroy all who are unfaithful to you.

But as for me, it is good to be near God.
I have made the Sovereign LORD my refuge;

I will tell of all your deeds.

Now I don't know much of anything at all but I believe that this is true. Will I live like "God is the Strength of my heart and my portion forever?" Only by His Grace.

Well that is all for my first blog experience since middle-school and Xanga.

boom sauce


(Romans 15:13)


Love is forgoten sometimes